Java 21 - Record classes


What Are Record Classes?


Record classes are a powerful addition to Java, designed to simplify the creation of data-holding classes.

They provide concise syntax for declaring classes that hold a fixed set of values (record components).
Here are the key points about record classes:


  • Shallow Immutability: Record classes are shallowly immutable, meaning their components cannot be modified after creation.

  • Transparent Carriers: They act as transparent carriers for data, making them ideal for representing simple data structures.

  • Automatic Methods: The compiler automatically generates methods like equals()hashCode(), and toString() for record classes.


Java 21 Record Features:


  • Record Components: In Java 21, you can declare record components directly in the record header. These components form the record descriptor.

    For example:

    record Person(String name, int age) { }

    Here, name and age are the record components.

  • Canonical Constructor: A record class must have a canonical constructor that initializes its components. The constructor’s accessibility matches that of the record class itself.

  • Accessor Methods: For each component, an accessor method is automatically generated. You can access the components directly using these methods.

  • Implicit Methods: The compiler generates equals()hashCode(), and toString() methods based on the record components.


Example: Defining a Simple Record


Let’s create a basic Person record:

record Person(String name, int age) { }
// Usage
Person john = new Person("John Doe", 30);
System.out.println(; // Accessing the 'name' component
System.out.println(john.age());  // Accessing the 'age' component


Why Use Record Classes?


Record classes are particularly useful when you need simple data containers without writing boilerplate code.
They’re great for representing entities like database records, DTOs (Data Transfer Objects), and more.


Records are not meant to replace regular classes entirely; they serve a specific purpose.
Use them when you need lightweight, immutable data structures.


Comparison with Java 11


In Java 11, creating similar data-holding classes required more verbose code.
Record classes in Java 21 significantly reduce the ceremony involved in defining such classes.


Record Classes in Java 11 vs. Java 21


Java 11 (Before Record Classes)


In Java 11, when defining simple data classes like Point, you need to write boilerplate code for constructors, getters, and setters. Let’s consider an example:

// Java 11
class Point {
    private int x;
    private int y;

    public Point(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    public int getX() {
        return x;
    public int getY() {
        return y;

(In this example the Methods for equal, hashCode, toString are avoided)


Java 21 (With Record Classes)


Java 21 introduces record types, which simplify the creation of data classes.
Record classes automatically generate methods like equals()hashCode(), and toString().

Here’s how you can define a Point using a record:


// Java 21
record Point(int x, int y) { }

In the Java 21 example, the record class Point provides the following benefits:

  • Concise Syntax: You declare the record components (x and y) directly in the record header.

  • Implicit Methods: The compiler generates the accessor methods (getX() and getY()), equals()hashCode(), and toString() for you.

Record classes reduce boilerplate, making your code cleaner and more expressive.


Why Use Record Classes (and why not to use it)?


Record classes are ideal for representing simple data structures.
They’re shallowly immutable and act as transparent carriers for fixed sets of values.
Whether it’s representing database records, DTOs (Data Transfer Objects), or other data, record classes simplify your code.

scenarios where using record classes might not be the best choice:


  • Complex Logic and Behavior:

    • If your data type requires complex logic, behavior, or additional methods beyond simple data storage, consider using regular classes instead of records.
      Records are primarily designed for transparently holding data.

    • For example, if your class needs to perform intricate calculations, handle business rules, or manage state transitions, a regular class is more suitable.

  • Mutable State:

    • Records are shallowly immutable by default, meaning their components cannot be modified after creation.
      If your data type needs to change its state over time, records might not be the right fit.

    • If mutability is essential (e.g., for caching or dynamic updates), opt for regular classes.

  • Unique Identity and Identity-Based Operations:

    • Records are ideal for representing data that doesn’t have a unique identity of its own.
      However, if your objects need to be uniquely identifiable (e.g., database entities with primary keys), consider using regular classes.

    • Identity-based operations like updating, deleting, or querying specific instances are better suited for classes.

  • Performance Considerations:

    • While records provide concise syntax, they come with some overhead due to being reference types (heap-allocated).
      If performance is critical, especially in memory-intensive scenarios, consider using structs (value types) or regular classes.

    • Records involve more work for garbage collection (GC) compared to structs.

  • Inheritance and Polymorphism:

    • Records do not support inheritance or polymorphism.
      If you need to create a class hierarchy or implement interfaces, regular classes are the way to go.

    • For complex type hierarchies, records might not provide the necessary flexibility.

  • Large Data Structures:

    • If your data type becomes too large (e.g., exceeds 16 components), consider using regular classes.
      Records are optimized for smaller data structures.

    • Large records can impact performance and memory usage.

Remember that records are not meant to replace regular classes entirely.
They serve a specific purpose: simplifying the creation of data-holding classes.
Evaluate your requirements carefully and choose the appropriate type based on your specific use case.


Have fun with records in Java 21 😊